# Want to Download something?

On Web Browsers, these files aren't displayed as RAW, but as highlighted HTML.

If you want to just have the raw files, use either cURL or Wget:


curl https://stuff.applboy.dev/codeView.php?file=.%2Ffiles%2FhelloWorld.c -o helloWorld.c

# or wget https://stuff.applboy.dev/codeView.php?file=.%2Ffiles%2FhelloWorld.c -O helloWorld.c


Use the terminal, he's your fren. Windows or not, curl should be enough.

Or, idk. Use `lynx`, `w3m` and `elinks`, they show it as "plain" text.


elinks --dump https://stuff.applboy.dev/codeView.php?file=.%2Ffiles%2FhelloWorld.c > helloWorld.c

# w3m -dump https://stuff.applboy.dev/codeView.php?file=.%2Ffiles%2FhelloWorld.c > helloWorld.c

# lynx --dump https://stuff.applboy.dev/codeView.php?file=.%2Ffiles%2FhelloWorld.c > helloWorld.c


There's also the option of directly going to the file's link, eg:
